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Tips to Live With Stress


If we were asked to describe our feelings in 2020, “stressed out” is most likely on the list. Here is some real data: Stress in AmericaTM 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of APA (American Psychological Association), found that nearly 8 in 10 adults (78%) say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their lives, while 3 in 5 (60%) say the number of issues America faces is overwhelming to them. Gen Z adults (yes, my generation!), on average, say their stress level during the prior month is 6.1, on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 means “little to no stress” and 10 means “a great deal of stress.” This compares with a reported average stress level among all adults of 5.0. And the stress level may not be reduced while we are on the path of recovery, due to uncertainties with economy and instabilities around of world.

So, please take a few deep breath, you are not alone if you feel tense most of the time. Stress factors can come from all directions set side COVID-19: bills keep on piling up like mountains; baby crying, the demands and responsibilities of family life keep haunting you. You wish there were more hours in a day so you could finish everything in your schedule. Life just doesn’t get any easier for you. Or so you thought. Stress is real and our health can really suffer from it. Here are our tips to help you fight stress.

Declutter Your Mind and Environment

According to scientists, if you have a cluttered environment, your ability to focus becomes difficult and can bring you stress. Many of us have been working from home now these days, so you may want to clear out anything unnecessary from your work space. Likewise you can declutter your mind by writing jobs in a task list and then prioritize the list. In addition to better planning, this will at least take care of the added stress of trying to remember all your tasks.

Go for That Lifestyle Change

Diet. Avoid alcohol, smoking and sugar. While these will temporarily make you feel good, don’t be fooled! When their effects disappear, you’ll be right back to where you started. They’re also addictive and can have damaging effects on your health which then can add more stress to your body and your mind.

Smoking and usages of certain drugs raise your brain’s levels of dopamine and it makes you feel temporarily elated, giving you a false sense of relief and relaxation. But in actual fact it puts the body under increased stress. It also doesn’t change the situation at all, and can lead to an impaired ability to cope with stress. As for alcohol, you may think it helps you deal with stress, but it can actually make the stress worse. It slows down your thinking processes and makes it harder for you to relieve stress and anxiety.

A high sugar diet predisposes you to diabetes and many other health issues. Diabetes makes your blood glucose levels difficult to manage and prolonged high blood glucose levels have many negative effects on your body. Focus on low sugar foods including vegetables, high quality protein and healthy fats for stable energy all day.

Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is another cause of stress. Your ability to concentrate is hampered if you are lacking sleep and can bring you a lot of stress. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep, it also helps to establish a routine of going to sleep around the same time each night. Sleep quality is also important, stress can make one restless which in turn worsen the stress.  For tips to achieve better sleep, please refer to my next blog article.

Exercise Regularly

This should always be a consideration on your list of things to do to lessen stress. Exercising helps to release stress and helps you to unwind. But remember, you’re exercising to release stress, not increase it! You’re not preparing for competing in the Olympic so don’t overdo it. Even a short 10-20 minute walk will do the trick.

Try Natural Herbs

They may help your body to cope with stress better. Those who undergo prolonged stress benefit from these the most. There are many traditional herbs such as ginseng, Ashitaba, aronia berries, goji berries, medicinal mushrooms, have been used to promote homeostasis and stabilize physiological processes in your body. Some even increase your stamina and endurance, two things you need when you’re under a lot of stress on a regular basis. Ask your naturopath about which ones will benefit you the most.

Load up on Your Vitamins and Minerals

Whenever you’re under stress, your body uses up a lot more of certain vitamins and minerals. So focus on giving your body more of these nutrients through food (and supplements if needed):

It is important to take the active forms of these nutrients, such those from real foods so that no unnecessary conversion is needed before your body can use them. All Karviva and Karviva drinks contain high amount or vitamins and minerals from the whole food ingredients.

Share Your Feelings and Say What You Need

Not being able to say what you want can mount up a lot of anxiety and stress for some people. Just think of it this way, if you don’t speak up and tell people about your needs and feelings, you’ll be stressed out. Imagine what that will bring, and maybe you can push yourself to overcome it.

Identify the Stressors in Your Life and Do Something About Them

A stressor is anything that makes you feel uncomfortable and brings you stress. It could be any of the following:

  • Stressful events: e.g. that horrendous traffic, forgetting your keys
  • Environmental: e.g. too many people at the mall, too much noise, lights too bright
  • Changes in your life: e.g. the death of a family member, a divorce
  • Stressors at your workplace: e.g. the over-expecting boss, occupational health hazards, high job demands
  • Chemical stressors: e.g. drugs, alcohol, tobacco
  • Social stressors: e.g. family demands, responsibilities of being a parent

For example, if you’re stressed out about traffic (a daily source of stress). Try to leave early in the morning to avoid it. You may have to wake up early and put in a little extra effort. But in the end you’ll avoid being stressed about the traffic. In addition, you can listen to relaxing (not sleepy) music or a good audio book while you drive. These can help you relax and take your mind off the stress. Another good example of how you can avoid a stressor, like too much work at the office, is to plan the time you’re going to do those things in. Set a specific and realistic time frame to get through the work and stick to it. Make sure you accomplish them on time. You may have to force your way at first, but finishing on time will give you a sense of relief and accomplishment. Goodbye stress.

Have Time for Relaxation, Laughter and Free Time

Free time is officially identified as time for your hobbies and other fun activities you enjoy. Make sure you set aside some regular free time to clear your mind and reset everything. Laughter is especially good for releasing stress. RELAX! Yes, it’s a word we frequently hear and don’t seem to really understand. It can be as simple as deep breathing or as exciting as watching a horror movie (hey, if that relaxes you!). You can also try some other relaxation techniques such as Tai chi, music therapy, art therapy, hypnosis, meditation or massage.

Remember, a small amount of stress is good for you and your health. But the point where it turns into pathologic stress (harmful stress), that’s the unpleasant part that you want to avoid.

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Karviva's formulations are inspired by ancient food wisdom, designed to nourish Qi (the vital energy source) and Blood (key bodily nutrients). Our drinks uniquely focus on clean, nutrient-dense ingredients and formulations that maximize food synergies, adhering to principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine. This holistic approach enhances the natural properties of each ingredient, offering unique health benefits.

Karviva Whole Plant Juices can be stored at room temperature. Once opened, they should be refrigerated and consumed within one week for optimal freshness.

Yes, daily consumption of Karviva Detox Juice, for instance, has led many customers to report health improvements after two weeks. However, individual experiences may vary.

Yes, our smoothies and coffee drinks need to be refrigerated and are best enjoyed within one to two days of opening.

Our all-natural, organic drinks are suitable for all, including pregnant women and children. We recommend checking for any personal food allergies.

Absolutely. Karviva drinks are an excellent choice for those managing blood sugar levels or reducing sugar and carb intake, thanks to their low glycemic index and beneficial ingredients like aronia berry and cinnamon.

We carefully select ingredients based on their ideal growth conditions to ensure their therapeutic benefits. Our sourcing strategy includes aronia berries from the Midwest USA, quinoa from Bolivia, oats from Sweden, black soybeans from northern China, and coffee beans from Mexico. Most fruits are sourced from Washington and California, with our sprouts grown hydroponically for quality assurance.

In line with Traditional Chinese Medicine beliefs, we understand that climate, soil, and water quality significantly affect the therapeutic powers of plants. This focus ensures the highest quality and effectiveness of our ingredients.