Package Design featured Karviva co-founders Angela Zeng and Dr. Shawn Hu in an industry webinar and magazine article in late December.
The Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Webinar featured a panel of speakers with a range of experience in packaging and branding. Angela Zeng and Dr. Shawn Hu, co-founders of the Karviva beverage line, were excited to contribute to this lively discussion on social consciousness and sustainability, values that are deeply rooted within the Karviva brand.
The Karviva brand was founded as a reaction to the overly processed and wasteful big names in the health food and beverage industry. With against-the-grain values, Zeng and Hu were able to provide valuable insights into the need for an industry shift towards sustainability.
Along with the webinar, Package Design featured Karviva in their December issue to tell the story of the label and bottle design. The article, aptly named Returning to Her Roots, featured several iterations of the brand and it’s bottle mock ups, before it was known as Karviva. Angela Zeng was happy to be interviewed and to tell the story behind the healthy drink’s packaging.